UU Admission Requirements: Unity University Entry Requirements

Unity University, UU Admission Requirements, Eligibility and Qualifications required for admission into the institution’s programmes. 

Unity University Admission Lists


Unity University Admission Requirments

Unity University Admission Requirments or Entry Requirements is what we believe you searched for and that is exactly what is on the table for you here on this page, Read On.

የሚከተሉት መስፈርቶች ናቸው, eligibility, and qualifications to consider before applying for admission into the Unity University (UU).

ጠቅላላ መስፈርቶች የማይሸፈኑ ከሆነ, እያንዳንዱ አመልካች የሚወስደው የቃለ መጠይቅ ሂደት የእርሱ / የእርሷን መመዘኛዎች ይወስናል. እንዲህ ዓይነቶቹ ቃለመጠይቆች በመዝጋቢው ጽ / ቤት ወይም በቢሮ የተመደቡ ናቸው.

UU General Admission Requirements


For MBA and MBA specializing Marketing  – Holders of Bachelor Degree from recognized Colleges and Universities in such disciplines as Management, Marketing Management, Accounting, Economics, Engineering, Medicine, Public Administration, Political Science, etc.
For MA in Development Economics: Holders of Bachelor’s degree in Economics and related fields of specialization from recognized College and University.
As per the policies and regulations of the Ministry of Education (MOE) for admission to a tertiary level education institution in Ethiopia.
  • Completion of College Preparatory Schools and with 360 and above points
  • GPA 3.00 and above in ESLCE for female applicants and GPA of 3.2 and above in ESLCE for male applicants.
  • Graduate from recognized universities/colleges can also apply for admission in advance standing or otherwise.
As per the policies and regulation of the Ministry of Education (MOE) for admission to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) program.
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  1. www.virginiaslims.com September 21, 2018
  2. www.Marborlo.com September 21, 2018

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