How To Get Admission Into Universities in Ethiopia

How To Get Admission Into Universities in Ethiopia

Things You Should Know And How To Apply for universities in Ethiopia

If you’ve lived in Ethiopia in your high school years, then the “application process”, if you’ll call it one, is pretty much all of high school. There are 3 national examinations administered at the end of 8th, 10th and 12th grades that you’re required to pass in order to proceed to the next grade, the final one being the last requirement to attend university in Ethiopia. Depending on your score on that last national exam, the Ethiopian General Leaving Certificate Examination (EGLCE), and other factors such as demographics, you’re placed by the Ministry of Education into one of its universities across the country. Your major is also decided by the MOE, based on a list of preferences you submit towards the end of your senior year.

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You should be aware that all of this information is pertaining to public universities, which are the major source of higher education in the country. However, there are a lot of private institutions that also offer degrees, although their major’s selection is quite limited due to government policies. I would suggest that you look into that option in case you don’t happen to be “from Eastern or Southern Africa”.

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